It was on a Sunday evening that I started rethinking the rash on ZGirl’s chest. I told Mr. DD that it could be ringworm, but after googling it and finding several sites that addressed it in daycares and that it wasn’t anything to keep a child home from, I didn’t think twice about it Monday when I readied her for drop-off. In fact, when I arrived, I mentioned it to one of the staff that it might be ringworm and asked her to just keep it covered, a supposedly easy feat considering its placement.

Within a few hours, the director called and told me that since it does  appear to be ringworm, I would have to come and pick her up. I was miffed, but I looked at it as an excuse to spend the afternoon with her. I did run her to my FP to get a confirmation and treatment advice, which yes, it was and he said to simply keep it dry, covered, and apply lamisil or a similar product. When I asked if I should keep her home from daycare, he also said I shouldn’t need to since that’s where she probably got it from, but keeping her home a couple days during treatment would cut down on someone else getting it. So, that’s what I did.

By Thursday, I figured she should be good to go back to daycare. I dropped her off and thought nothing more of it.

It was when I picked her up after work that things started getting ugly.

I turned the corner to her room of the center and there was ZGirl sitting her carseat outside the door in the hallway. The gate was up in the door and a caregiver was seated on the other side of the gate. When I asked why, she said that she didn’t want to get ringworm. The director was also in the room and she said that her staff was susceptible to it since they had had it once (“No, duhhhh. That’s why ZGirl has it now,” I said in my head.). Then she asked if ZGirl would be back tomorrow and I told her yes, and walked out. I was so angry to see my daughter put out like a nasty bag of laundry that I could barely see straight.

When I got home and told Mr. DD, he wanted to call the director himself to a little butt-chewing. I actually convinced him to just sleep on it, but we both agreed it was time to find a new daycare.

Friday morning I was running late so Mr. DD offered to take ZGirl to daycare for me. I had just arrived at work when he called me. He said that he walked in the doors and there was one of the staff telling him that ZGirl wasn’t welcome since she had ringworm.

Mr. DD demanded that the staff member call the director, who wasn’t even there yet, to ream her out. Once on the phone, the director voiced her concern over how we weren’t treating ZGirl’s infection; how she was understaffed and she couldn’t afford to have staff out with ringworm; and how she had informed me the night before that if ZGirl still had any signs of ringworm that she couldn’t come back until it was finally clear.

Mr. DD responded that it was due to her staff’s carelessness that ZGirl was infected in the first place. He told her that ZGirl had been receiving treatment since Monday and that the doctor said it was no problem for her to return. He told her that her lack of staffing was not his concern; his only concern was his daughter.

The director finally conceded that ZGirl could be left there only after they stripped her down to see if she had any other flare-ups. This bit of news only fueled my anger since I am sure they weren’t doing that to the other children in the daycare.

Finally, Mr. DD told me that when he brought ZGirl into her room at the center, the staff member there seemed irritated that ZGirl was going to stay. This made us both wonder how she was going to be treated over the course of the day, but we refused to give in to their irrational judgment.

When I went to pick her up, the director pulled me aside and asked to speak to me. She told me how another child was sent home with ringworm that morning and how ZGirl probably gave it to her. I corrected her by telling her that ZGirl, who cannot walk, cannot crawl, most certainly did NOT give ringworm to anyone. It was the staff that is transferring it because they are failing to take the simplest precautions. I defended our decision by telling her that every day we come to daycare and see multiple children oozing green snot out of every facial orifice, spewing and smearing pathogens on everything and everyone without recourse, but yet my daughter, who has a fungus that spreads by deliberately touching her and then someone else without washing (in which they would have to undress her as well), has somehow attracted their misguided attention.

I told her that I was highly offended seeing ZGirl the day before in the hallway as if she was a leper, and that they certainly turned face on us considering that the same staff member who dropped ZGirl on her face – who couldn’t put her down for days following that accident -now avoided contact of any kind. The director told me not to take this defensively, but there are other options for care out there, to which I replied that we were most certainly aware of our options and that they were being pursued.

Now before someone tries to play devil’s advocate on me, reminding me that if the shoe was on the other foot, blah blah blah, yes, if I was a parent, I would be very irritated that my child is being exposed to a contagion. In fact, I am a parent who ends up finding out that my child is exposed every day to something at the center that could be entirely preventable if the staff was taking standard precautions. This is why ZGirl has had in the past two months an ear infection, bronchiolitis, RSV, another ear infection, pink-eye, another  ear infection and then the ringworm. Let’s not even discuss how she yet again has a runny nose and mattering eyes. Guess how many times Mr. DD, XBoy or myself have had signs of an upper respiratory infection or pinkeye or ringworm/athlete’s foot in these past two months? Zip.

As for trying to understand why I am working myself up about this when it was just three months ago that a staff member dropped her? I wish I could explain it to you, but I don’t feel anger or malice over that accident. Maybe it’s because I am just so bloody thankful that she’s OK when I find myself imagining the worst; that she could have died in the arms of a stranger. I just expected the care center to feel guilty enough to be more cautious with her and realizing instead of providing extra care, they seem to have just stopped caring. All the other actions are accidents, but to deliberately provide subpar-care? That’s intentional, and in short, unforgiveable.

30 thoughts on “DAY-COULDN’T-CARE(LESS)”

  1. They suck. I hope THEY get ringworm – I think this is the “karma” of which Statia speaks.

    I hope you find a new place (or person) that has some common human decency and respect and can care for ZGirl.

  2. Yup, time to get out. They are clearly not practicing proper sanitation and don’t understand how infections are spread. Get out and then put a nasty review up on Angie’s List.

  3. I hope you find a better place soon. I agree with your assessment that most of the issues your daughter has encountered could have been prevented with regular hand-washing and that they are being unreasonable about this. Good luck.

  4. I know that there are people out there that have no choice and have to send their child(ren) to daycare. But seriously, this is why I fought tooth and nail to stay home for as long as I could. I can’t even deal with the thought of what you’re going through, and it breaks my heart that the fucking left her in the hallway.

    I hope karma gives them what they deserve, whatever that may be. That and I hope they’re schooled in how to be a little bit cleaner. Gross.

  5. Those bastards!

    I’m appalled at their reactions and frankly I’d have beat the shit out of that inept care worker who dropped your daughter, tell them they’re lucky you didn’t sue over that!

    Your poor kid in the hallway, shudder down my back! Sue them over that too, fuck, sue them all then get your baby out of there.


  6. The hallway thing is totally unforgiveable. Not to mention the continuous re-infections.

    Our daycare has germs that float around, but NOTHING compared to what’s going on there. I think clearly they are not following proper precautions which are, as you pointed out, very simple.

  7. Leaving her out in the hallway like that WOULD be illegal here. Gahhh. Glad you are changing daycares. I had something similar happen years ago with Mac in the infant room of his daycare, and to this day I haven’t forgiven them.

    Time to find someone new….

  8. Yeah, what they said.

    I am APPALLED at the so-called “care” Z was subjected to.

    I can understand kids getting colds at daycare. Little kids are germbags. Christ, I *still* have to tell Maggie to cover her mouth when she coughs or sneezes.

    I always have something to say if I go to pick up Will and his face is dirty, or his nose is all booger-encrusted. I will loudly proclaim that “we can go home & see Daddy & Maggie once I wash your booger-encrusted-filthy-dirty face.”

    As long as you’re putting the miconazole on her, she should absolutely be able to go to daycare.

  9. I am so furious with them that I can barely type. They put her in a carseat and left her in the hallway? They refused to care for her? That is so far beyond unacceptable that it’s probably illegal. I would IMMEDIATELY get in touch, by phone or in person, with the regulating agency for your state and let them know that this happened. I would let them know about the unacceptable hygiene standards that are held at the center. I would let them know everything that they center has done over the last few months. They’ve shown their true colors. It’s time for them to answer to their actions.

  10. I’m angry for Zgirl, Mr. DD and you. Leaving Zgirl in the hallway is unconscionable. It’s irresponsible as well. I am glad that you are pursuing other daycares as this one sucks. I also hope you will be sending a letter to whatever agency licenses them as they need to be investigated. Huge hugs to you and Zgirl.

  11. I can’t believe they would leave a baby out in the hallway like that. And what kind of daycare is it with staff that can’t understand how things like ringworm and all the other things ZGirl has been infected with get transmitted? This is beyond wrong.

  12. Uncaring and possibly illegal. I would send some letters and make some calls. Precious Z out in the hall…gah! I want to kick them!

  13. This is weird. Ringworm is not that big a deal, and she’s not going to give it to anybody anyway. Sheesh. And leaving her alone in the hall? That’s not childcare at all. So sorry.

  14. I could barely read after the 5th paragraph. The thought of that precious little angel sitting in her car seat in the hallway brought instant tears.

    I can’t type.

    Thinking of you,

  15. Erg… honestly, I would have looked into alternative options the day they dropped her. I didn’t like the way they handled that. And things have gotten worse since then. I hope you find other arrangements soon. Their ignorance is what angers me the most.

    And I would bet leaving ZGirl out in the hallway is illegal.

  16. I’m sincerely surprised that this so-called “care” center is even still open.

    Man, I hate to even say it- but you have some LOOOOW standards for care down there!!

    Personally, I would have told them to take a flying leap and sued the hell outta them after dropping ZGirl- nevermind the bullpoop that they’ve been shoveling lately. It’s called HANDWASHING people!!

  17. Ugh soooo frustrating! My DD got hand foot mouth disease at daycare, and they told me that I couldn’t bring her in if the little sores popped and started oozing infection. I think the top of my head almost blew off! Clearly someone had been oozing infection that gave it to my daughter, but they were still there. So, I covered my daughter’s (unpopped, never popped) sores with bandaids and sent her to daycare.

    I’d find a more agreeable situation, send the letter that lets you vent to the daycare’s director, and report them to the licensing agency. Because setting your daughter in a carseat in the hallway is not appropriate. Good luck…

  18. Oh, DD. I am SO angry with you. I CANNOT believe the complete disregard for you, your husband, AND your daughter.

    I also agree that a letter to the licensing agency is a very good idea.

    I hope you find a different place soon.


  19. Report them to whatever agency oversees childcare facilities. Please. Report them. Because they DELIBERATELY neglected your baby by putting her in her carsear, alone and separate, in a hallway, and essentially refused to care for her even though they had her in their care. And claimed to know better than your child’s DOCTOR who said she was okay to be in a care setting; on top of the fact that she picked up the problem in their setting due to their poor hygiene practices and refusal to enforce true illness policies for most of their charges.

    I hope you find a better setting for your daughter soon… and you’ve made me incredibly thankful for the nursery my boys attend. In the more than two years that my oldest has attended his part time nursery, he’s brought home only one small bug in all that time.

  20. I’m so sorry you all are going through this. I agree that a letter of complaint to the state licensing agency is a good idea.

    I hope you’re able to find a better fit for her soon. After our bad daycare sick kid experience, we ultimately ended up sending A. to an in-home daycare with a max of 3 other kids, and it has been fantastic. Don’t know if it’s an option for you, but it has worked out extremely well for us. Best of luck.

  21. I’m mad with you. This is just ridiculous. How hard is it to squirt on a little hand sanitizer? I think you should find somewhere else – somewhere that won’t leave your child locked in her car seat in the hall. Shit, your paying for that!? You could just leave her alone in her crib if that is the kind of treatment she is getting.

  22. This is absolutely terrible. I think it wise to spend your time (after you find another daycare) spreading the word about how your family was treated there. Perhaps a decline in business will wake them up to reconsidering how they operate.

  23. Are they registered with the state? Our daycare’s here in Ohio have to be licensed. You ABSOLUTELY need to write the most eloquent, non-pissy letter* you can possibly muster to the person at the state level with all of your dates and incidents. These people are absolutely horrid. Take a step back and really look at all the things that have transpired scares the hell out of ME!

    *(I know you would love to rage on in the letter, but it would only make you look like a raging lunatic and you need them to take you seriously).

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